What is Heals Passport (HP) and HP Panel program? 

Heals Passport is a patient app that allows insurance policy owners in Hong Kong to seek teleconsultation in selected countries when they are on holiday.  

As a HP panel, Dr’s profile will be shown under Malaysia for travelers who are in Malaysia and are sick, hence needing to have a teleconsultation with the local Malaysian Dr to get prescriptions be delivered to their hotel. As the traveler may be located near or far from your clinic, we have the option of having the medications delivered from your clinic or our partner, MyTigas . 

Benefits of joining as HP Panel:  

  • Earn RM30 per Teleconsult: As a panel member, you will receive RM30 for each teleconsultation you conduct. It’s a great way to earn extra income while providing valuable services to your patients. 
  • 10% Off Subscription Fee: Enjoy a 10% discount on your Klinify subscription fee. We believe in rewarding our loyal users with savings that matter. 
  • Convenient Medication Delivery: If your patients are located near your clinic, you can deliver their medications directly to them via your selected logistics provider. This added convenience will enhance patient satisfaction and streamline your practice. 
    • If you are unable to deliver the medications, our partner, MyTigas, will deliver to the patient’s location. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. How will the medication be billed? 

The medication will be billed either by the clinic or by MyTigas . 

If they select you as the Teleconsult Dr, their current location will be known. If they are near you, you can send the medication directly. 

But if not, MyTigas will handle the Delivery. 


2. What is the cost per consultation, and is there a time limit? 

The cost for each consultation is RM30. Typically, teleconsultations for HK patients last between 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the specific case. 


3. What is the process? 

All Drs will be onboarded by our colleague, Joanne, prior to starting as Drs will use another app to Teleconsult with the patients. The Dr app is called CS Mobile, an app that allows you to Teleconsult using your mobile phone and enter diagnosis and prescriptions. 

In summary, when the patient requires teleconsultation, he/she will book a slot with a Malaysian Dr that is available at that time. Once selected, the patient will be verified by our concierge team (acts as nurse) prior to the teleconsultation with you. Once verification is done, our concierge team will message you in the Whatsapp groupchat to inform you that the patient is ready. If you can Teleconsult with the patient, join the CS Mobile app and proceed accordingly. If you are unable to join, please inform the concierge team in the chat and we will inform the patient and reassign another Dr to them. Once you have ended the teleconsultation, you can then update the diagnosis and prescription required for the patient in the app. If the patient’s location is near you, you can send the medication from your clinic. Please inform the concierge team of the fees for medication and delivery so we can update into the patient’s app. Once payment is made, then the concierge team will update you to proceed with the delivery. If you are unable to deliver to the patient, please let the concierge team know via the WhatsApp group, so that they can liaise with MyTigas  to get the medications to be sent to patient.