Our recommendations and minimum system requirements are meant to provide general guidelines on which computer configurations work best for Klinify. Below are the requirements that will be cover;

Pengesyoran dan keperluan sistem minimum kami bertujuan untuk menyediakan garis panduan umum tentang konfigurasi komputer yang paling sesuai untuk Klinify. Di bawah adalah keperluan yang akan dibincangkan;


PC Specifications

Recommended System Requirements
Intel Core i3 and above

RAM: 4GB and above (200MB of free memory for each instance of Klinify)

Video: 1920x1080 resolution capable card

OS: Windows 10 or macOS (However, any operating system is compatible with Klinify. As long you have an internet and a browser to open Klinify. )

Browser: Google Chrome

Internet: 5 MB/s per PC/Staff in the clinic

MyKad Reader

MyKad reader ease the registration process by completing some fields for the clinic admin. MyKad readers that are compatible with Klinify are as below:

MyKad memudahkan proses pendaftaran dengan melengkapkan beberapa ruangan di laman pendaftaran untuk pentadbir klinik. MyKad yang serasi dengan Klinify adalah seperti di bawah: 

  • Securemetric Rockey301 Dual Interface Smart Card Reader (Recommended)
  • Kridentia Cherry MyKad Reader

Klinify can facilitate the purchase of the Securemetric MyKad Reader. Please fill up this form to order one. 

Note: Order fulfilment, payment, & delivery are handled by Securemetric, not Klinify. 

Klinify boleh memudahkan pembelian MyKad Securemetric. Sila isi borang ini untuk memesan satu.

Nota: Pemenuhan pesanan, pembayaran & penghantaran dikendalikan oleh Securemetric, bukan Klinify.

If you have made your payment and you still haven't received your card reader. Please contact Securemetric sales support (salessupport@securemetric.com ) or CK (ckyen@securemetric.com). 

Jika anda telah membuat pembayaran dan anda masih belum menerima pembaca kad anda. Sila hubungi Securemetric (salessupport@securemetric.com ) atau CK (ckyen@securemetric.com).


In Klinify, there aren't any specific printer brands we recommend. There are no specific printer models or brand you must use for printing documents through Klinify. As long as the printer can connect to your PC, and fits your budget and needs, it can be used for Klinify.

Tiada model khas pencetak yang mesti diguna untuk Klinify. Asalkan pencetak tersebut boleh disambung dengan komputer anda, dan sesuai dengan kegunaan dan bajet anda.

If you have question regarding printers, please contact the printer vendor sales support for guidance on purchasing your printer.

Jika anda mempunyai soalan berkaitan pencetak, anda boleh menghubungi printer vendor anda untuk mendapatkan panduan tentang pembelian pencetak anda.


Label Printer

Similar to the normal printers, there are no specific label printer brands that must be used for Klinify. As long as it can connect to your PC, and fits your budget and needs, it can be used for Klinify. However, these are some of the commonly used label printer brands:

Dalam Klinify, tiada sebarang jenama khusus yang boleh kami cadangkan. Walau bagaimanapun, jenama yang paling biasa digunakan adalah seperti di bawah:

  1. gPrinter
  2. Brother
  3. TSC

If you have question, you can contact their sales support for guidance on purchasing your printer.

Jika anda mempunyai soalan, anda boleh menghubungi mereka untuk mendapatkan panduan tentang pembelian pencetak anda.

TV Display

TV are used to display queue number in clinic. Any TV that can connect to computer using HDMI or WIFI is suitable to be used.

TV digunakan untuk memaparkan nombor giliran di klinik. Tiada jenama TV yang disyorkan, mana-mana tv yang boleh disambungkan ke komputer menggunakan HDMI atau WIFI sesuai digunakan.