With the addition of new Stages into the Encounter Flows, users are now able to include Blood Test, Ultrasound, X-ray, Medical Examination etc.

With each stage added into the flow, the stages would go through Waiting and In Progress individually.


Patient is here for a Full Medical Examination that includes Blood Test, X-Ray and Medical Examination.

Stages and Locations include:

-    Blood Test (Room 2)

-    X-Ray (X-Ray Room)

-    Medical Examination (Room 2)

The process is as follows:

1. Patient is under Waiting for Blood Test

2. Once patient is called to take blood test, the patient would then be moved to In Progress for Blood Test

3. Once Blood Test is completed, the patient would then be moved to Waiting for X-Ray

4. Once patient is called for x-ray, the patient would then be moved to In Progress for X-Ray

5. Once completed the x-ray, the patient would then be moved to Waiting for Medical Examination

6. When the patient is called for the medical examination, they would be moved to In Progress for Medical Examination

7. Once medical examination is done, patient will be moved to Billing as per usual