If your clinic has many rooms or doctors, the patient list on the Clinic Overview page can get confusing when there are many patients if it is arranged only by arrival time. By arranging the patient list according to your preference, you can find patients assigned to you or your location more conveniently. 

For example, a doctor stationed in Room 1 can arrange the patients according by location so that they can easily see which patient has been assigned to Room 1.

Here is how you can arrange the patients on the Clinic Overview page:

  1. By default, patients are arranged by Arrival Time

  2. To arrange them differently, click on Sort 
  3. Select what field you want to sort by in either Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc) sequence

    Ascending: 0 --> 9, A --> Z
    Descending: 9 --> 0, Z --> A

  4. You can choose to arrange them by more than one field if you wish

  5. When you're done, click Save. The patient list on the page will now be arranged according to your preference.

  6. The Sort settings are fixed to your current PC. 
    Meaning if you arrange the list on PC A, PC B will not be affected.