For Phase 1 changes to the queue management system, please see this page.

With the release of the phase 2 changes to Klinify's Queue System, your patient's journey through your clinic will be reflected in Klinify!

  1. Customize Encounter Flows

    Your patient needs to see the doctor, get an X-Ray done, then go back to the doctor to review the results? No problem! With Klinify's customizable encounter flows, you can now track each stage of your patient's journey in your clinic.

    To see how you can create encounter flows and stages, please refer to this page.

    How would this new encounter flow be implemented in Klinify? Find out here.

  2. Automatically Include Relevant Sales Items In Each Stage

    You can also automatically add related sales items as the patient progresses through the different stages. For example, when the patient goes to the X-Ray stage, their bill will automatically include the X-Ray charges.

  3. Separate Notes for Different Stages

    Wondering what happened in the treatment room? Worry no longer! Each stage can have their own notes section to fill so you don't have to guess who wrote what when. This will aid in continuity of care as each healthcare provider can view the past section's notes and provide context for their actions.

    New sections for notes will be included only if that stage is set to have a separate notes section.

  4. Arrange Patients on the Clinic Overview Page

    Queued patients on the Clinic Overview page is arranged by Arrival Time by default. But now, you can choose to arrange them by Location, Stage, or Doctor so that you can differentiate them easily. 

    For example, a doctor in Consultation Room 1 may choose to arrange the list by location so that they can focus solely on patients who are waiting to enter Consultation Room 1.

    See this page on how to sort patients on the Clinic Overview page.

  5. Change Doctor Assigned to Patients

    With this new update, you can change the assigned doctor for queued patients with just a click.

We hope that you will find these changes useful. We have more exciting new features in the pipeline, so if you have any feedback or questions, feel free to reach out to Klinify Support!