Welcome to Klinify! Thank you for choosing us as your digital management system. 

To ensure a smooth transition from your previous system, please follow the steps below:


For Klinify's hardware requirements, click here!

1. Change your password

When your Klinify server is ready, you will receive an email listing out the address to your Klinify server, and your login ID & password. To ensure the safety of your data, it is recommended for you to change the password to something else.

To change your password, refer to this page.

Password Best Practices:

  • Passwords in Klinify must be at least 8 characters long
  • Please do not set your password as "password" or "12345678"
  • A long but easy to remember password is recommended to protect your data
    (E.g. "Mr.ScarrahadhisAngryJuiceagain!")
  • You may choose to use a password manager such as LastPass or Bitwarden to remember all your passwords. You will only need to remember 1 master password.

2. Add in your doctors' details

You need to add in your doctors' details so you can assign them to patients for consultations.

To add in doctors in Klinify, refer to this page.


  • Only the doctor's name is a compulsory field
  • But it is recommended that the doctor's MMC and IC number be included as well

3. Add in your clinic's name, address, phone number, and other details

This step is compulsory to enable Klinify's features such as the appointments feature and MedAdvisor.

To add in those details:

  1. Click on Settings on the left menu > Clinic Settings
  2. Scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page
  3. Fill in the details under Clinic Name, Clinic Address, Clinic Email, and Clinic Phone Number
  4. Scroll down again and click Save when you are done

4. Adjust the logo, header, and signature label of your MC & receipt

You can add in your clinic's logo in Klinify's default template for MC and receipt. The header and signature labels can be changed as well to include things like your address, phone number, fax, and doctor's name.

To adjust the settings for the default templates, refer to this page.

You might also want to create your own templates for use in Klinify. For steps on how to do that, refer to this page.

5. Add in Sales Items

Sales items are things that do not have any stock count, such as services and procedures. With that in mind, please do not insert injection items under sales items, but under Inventory Items (see step #7 below).

To add in new sales items, please refer to this page.

6. Add in Flows & Stages

Flows refer to the steps (or stages) your patients take while seeking treatment at your clinic. For example, if your patient is here for a medical check-up, you may assign them to the flow "Medical Check-Up" which has the stages "Consultation", "Blood Draw", "X-Ray", "Review Results".

To see how to add in different flows & stages, please refer to this page.

7. Add in your panels/coverage payors

If you are a panel clinic, you can add in the panel details in Klinify. You will be able to assign patients to the panel and generate panel claim invoices.


To add in panels, refer to this page.

8. Add in your Suppliers' details

Before adding in your inventory stock, your supplier's name is required.


To add in suppliers, refer to this page.

9. Add in Inventory Items

Items such as medications and other consumables that you need prescribe to patients and track the stock count should be included under Inventory Items.

To add in inventory items, refer to this page.

10. Add in your stock count

After adding in your inventory item list, you need to add in the stock count for each item before you can dispense them. Otherwise you may not be able to finalise your bill, or end up with negative stock counts.


To add in your stock, refer to this page.

After completing these steps, you should be able to start using Klinify to its fullest. 

11. What's Next? How do I use Klinify?

Please refer to these guides:

  1. Register, Queue, & Search for Patients
  2. Consultations (Clerking notes & prescriptions)
  3. Billing

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to browse through our knowledgebase here (accessible by clicking Help at the bottom left corner in Klinify). For questions not answered in the knowledgebase, you can contact Klinify Support by clicking on the chatbox icon on the bottom right corner in Klinify.

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