Sending weekly content/reminders for patients who visit from here on out so that you can improve patient outcomes 


- Creating Patient Campaigns
-  Campaign Examples
-  Sending more than 1 message per encounter
-  Creating the messaging
Using Sales Items to Add Patients to a Campaign
Opt-Out List
Important Notes

Creating Patient Campaigns

  1. Click on SMS Campaigns > Patient Campaigns tab on the left menu

  1. Adding a Campaign Set
    Campaign Sets are how you will group your campaigns together according to content type and target patients. Think of it as the folder (campaign set) to hold all your files (campaigns).

    1. Click on Add Campaign Set on the top right corner

    2. Input the details in the window

    3. When you're done, click Save. You can view your created Campaign Set in the list afterwards.

  2. Adding Patient Campaigns to a Campaign Set

    1. Click on your added Campaign Set

    2. You'll be brought to within the Campaign Set.
      Click on the Add Campaign button on the top right corner

    3. Set up your SMS Campaign

      1. In this example, the SMS campaign is called Reminder: Take Diabetic Medications on Time

        1. An SMS will only be sent to the patient if:

          1. It is 3 days after the encounter, AND

          2. They were prescribed the drug "GLUCOPHAGE"

      2. Under Campaign Rules, you can specify the following:

        1. When is the SMS sent? (E.g. 5 days after the encounter)

        2. Encounter type

        3. Doctor seen

        4. Prescribed drug

        5. Master Drug dispensed

        6. Item sold

AND: All rules must be fulfilled before the SMS is sent
OR:  The SMS is sent if at least 1 rule is met

3. Fill in the Message you want to send to your patients

“RM0.00 ” is automatically placed at the beginning of every message

The message must include your clinic name

Each message has a limit of 160 characters. You have 153 characters left after “RM0.00 “

The message should include your clinic contact details too

You can use {patient_name} to include their name in the message. This will cause the character count to vary per message, however.

4. Set the Campaign Status

Active: Klinify will send out SMSes to future patients who fit the campaign rules

Inactive: Klinify will not send out any SMSes for this campaign

When you’re done, click Save

SMSes will be sent out at 10:00 am on the scheduled day.

Changes to the campaign must be done before 12:00 am!

Campaign Examples

Some examples of SMS campaigns you can do are:

  1. Yearly Influenza Vaccination Reminder

    1. Campaign Rules:

      1. 12 months after encounter, AND

      2. Drug Prescribed: Influvac Tetra, OR

      3. Drug Prescribed: Flumist, OR

      4. Drug Prescribed: Vaxigrip

  2. Regular STI Screening

    1. Campaign Rules:

      1. 6 months after encounter, AND

      2. Item Sold: STI Screening

  3. Medication Top-Up for Patients with Hypertension

    1. Campaign Rules

      1. 2 months after encounter, AND

      2. Item Sold: Hypertension Medication Top-Up

AND will filter for patients that meet ALL campaign rules
OR will filter for patients that meet at least ONE of the campaign rules

Sending more than 1 message per encounter

To send weekly reminders to patients for 3 weeks, you will need to create 3 different Campaigns under the same Campaign Set:

  1. Campaign 1

    1. 7 days after the encounter, AND

    2. Item Sold is x

  2. Campaign 2

    1. 14 days after the encounter, AND

    2. Item Sold is x

  3. Campaign 3

    1. 21 days after the encounter, AND

    2. Item Sold is x

Creating the messaging

Here are some example messages and timelines.


  1. Message 1 - 3 days after Encounter


RM0.00 Hi {patient_name}, a gentle reminder to keep taking your diabetic medication. Let us know if you have any questions at <clinic_number> <clinic_name>


  1. Message 2 - 10 days after Encounter


RM0.00 Did you know a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of diabetes by 40%? Read more here: From <clinic_name> <clinic_number>


  1. Message 3 - 17 days after Encounter


RM0.00 Did you know that not taking your medication on time has long term downsides? Read more here: From <clinic_name> <clinic_number>


  1. Message 4 - 25 days after Encounter

RM0.00 Hi {patient_name}, it’s nearly time for your monthly checkup. We provide free blood test. Call to book an appointment. From <clinic_name> <clinic_number>

Adding URL or Mobile number may get your SMS to be blocked. Kindly contact Klinify Support regarding adding URL in your SMS Campaign



Notes on SMS Messages

  1. All messages need to start with the prefix “RM0.00” without the “ “. This is to indicate to your patients that they are not getting charged for receiving the SMS. This prefix is automatically included in the Message field and cannot be deleted.


  1. There is a character limit per SMS of 160 characters. “RM0.00 ” already takes up 7 characters, so there are only 153 characters remaining. If you exceed 160 characters, the message will be split into 2 SMS and you will get charged for the additional SMS. 

    1. A character counter can be seen above the Message field showing you how many characters your message is currently.

    2. Tip: You can also use link shorteners like Bitly to shorten long links that you want to share.

  1. Take note you may inevitably exceed the SMS 160 character limit if the {patient_name} is a high character count. Please take this into account if you intend to include {patient_name} into the SMS.

Using Sales Items to Add Patients to a Campaign

An easy way to assign patients to an SMS campaign is by using Sales Items:

  1. Create a Sales Item to add to patients who you want to provide reminders

    1. Examples:
      Diabetic Wellness Program, Monthly Health Screening, Vaccination Drive

    2. Optional - you can charge the patient the cost of the SMS by assigning a price

    3. Please click here for steps on how to create new Sales Items

  1. To assign a patient to the campaign, add the created Sales Item to them during consultation or billing





Additional Instructions

Opt-Out List

  1. Before sending messages to your patients, you should obtain their opt-in consent first

  2. Keep an Opt-Out List - these are patients who have explicitly expressed that they do not want to receive any messages that are promotional in nature

    1. Example Opt-Out List - Opt-out list template 


  1. When a patient opts out, update the relevant patient name in this opt-out list and immediately exclude these patients out from any future campaigns.

    1. Coming Soon - You will be able to check patients who have decided to opt-out and Klinify will exclude patients automatically from any future campaigns.

Important Notes

  1. SMS are sent out at 10:00 AM on the scheduled day

  2. SMS messaging & rules for the following day must be done before 12 AM.
    Any changes or additions done after 12 AM will not be reflected in SMSes sent the next day.

    For example:
    You have 10 SMS already scheduled to be sent out tomorrow.
    If you want to change the SMS message, you need to do it before 12 AM.
    If you change the message at 1 AM, the 10 messages sent out will not be changed

  3. Your SMS messages have a 160 total character limit, 153 characters after "RM0.00 "
    Messages exceeding the character limit will be sent as 2 or more SMS and you will be charged accordingly.
  4. If your patient informed you that they do not want to receive any messages, you must exclude them from future SMS campaign.

  5. In an effort to combat fraud, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is restricting the content of SMS messages sent to Malaysian mobile subscribers. Kindly contact Klinify Support if you have these criteria. SMS messages that contain the following will be blocked:

        a. URLs that ask or invite users to click on a link
        b. Requests for users’ personal information (e.g. name, identification number, card number, bank account number, etc.)
        c. Mobile or fixed-line numbers that users can dial in

  6. The price for each SMS will be RM0.50 per SMS