1. Go to Inventory > Inventory Item > Add New Drug 
    Pergi ke Inventory > Inventory Item > Add New Drug

  2. If the item is a non-drug > Click "Not a Drug"
    Jika item tersebut bukan ubat > Tekan butang "Not a Drug"

  3. The item could be:
    Item tersebut boleh dikategorikan sebagai:
    1. A Cosmetic Drug (Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturiser, Sunscreen)
      Kosmetik (Syampu, Perapi Rambut, Pelembap Kulit, Krim Pelindung Matahari, dan sebagainya)
      1. Click "This inventory item is a Cosmetic Drug"
        Tekan butang "This inventory item is a Cosmetic Drug"

      2. Go to Step #4
        Terus ke langkah #4

    2. A Service (Blood tests, Consultations, Ultrasounds, X-rays)
      Perkhidmatan (Ujian darah, Konsultasi, Ultrasound, Sinar-X)
      1. Click "This inventory item is a Service"
        Tekan butang "This inventory item is a Service"

      2. Go to Step #4
        Terus ke langkah #4

    3. A Non-drug Item (Gauze, Needles, Bandages, Face masks)
      Barang Habis Pakai - Kain kasa, Jarum, Pembalut luka, Topeng muka
      1. Click "This inventory item is a Non-Drug Item"
        Tekan butang "This inventory item is a Non-Drug Item"

      2. Go to Step #4
        Terus ke langkah #4

  4. Confirm that the item you are adding is not a drug by clicking "Confirm" > Save
    Tekan butang "Confirm" dan "Save" untuk mengesahkan bahawa item tersebut bukan ubat