After ordering lab tests for your patient, you can view what lab tests were ordered in a specific time period as well as update their status on the Lab Requests page

Anda boleh lihat semua ujian makmal yang dipesan dalam tempoh waktu yang dipilih, di samping mengemas kini status ujian makmal tersebut di halaman Lab Requests.

  1. From the Klinify Patient/Clinic Overview page, click on Lab Requests on the left menu
    Tekan butang Lab Requests di menu kiri dari halaman Patient/Clinic Overview

  2. Select the start & end date under Date Ordered. All lab tests ordered within those dates will appear below
    Pilih tarikh mula & tamat di bawah ruang Date Ordered. Semua ujian makmal yang dipesan dalam tempoh waktu tersebut akan muncul di bawah

  3. Update the status of the lab test by clicking on the button under the Actions column
    Statuses available for lab tests are:

    Kemaskini status ujian makmal dengan menekan butang di bahagian Actions
    Status ujian makmal termasud:
    1. Pending: Lab test has just been ordered. Sample has not been collected by the courier/sent to the lab
      Pending: Ujian makmal baru dipesan. Spesimen belum dihantar ke makmal

    2. Courier Collected: Sample has been sent to the lab. Results pending & not uploaded yet
      Courier Collected: Spesimen sudah dibawa oleh makmal. Keputusan ujian belum keluar lagi

    3. Results Received: Results have been uploaded. You can view the results by clicking View Results
      Results Received: Keputusan ujian telah dimuat naik. Anda boleh lihat keputusan dengan tekan butang View Results

    4. Request Cancelled: The lab test has been cancelled
      Request Cancelled: Ujian makmal tersebut telah dibatalkan