What can you use the Inventory Reports for?

You can use the Inventory Reports to do the following:

  • Track the movement in & out of all your items
  • Check the remaining stock count on a specific date
  • Check the value of stock that came in, went out, and that are remaining
  • Export your inventory list with stock count, cost price, selling price, and panel price

Using the Inventory Reports

To use the Inventory Reports:

  1. Go to Reports > Inventory Reports
  2. Select the appropriate Start & End Dates.
    Transactions within the dates will be included in the report

  3. Click on Customise Columns & tick the items you want included in the report
  4. To print or export the inventory report in Excel format, click on Export/Print

What do these columns mean?

Column NameExplanation
Drug NameName of the item set on Inventory Items page
Default Cash PriceDefault price of item for cash patients set on Inventory Items page
Default Panel PriceDefault price of item for panel patients set on Inventory Items page
Earliest Expiry DateEarliest expiry date of the item
This is based on batches added from the beginning of time to the specified End Date
(If you select the End Date 31 Dec 2019, batches added after 31 Dec 2019 will not be considered)

QTY (In)
Quantity (In)
Number of stock added using the "Add Supply", "Bonus", "Loan In", and "Transfer In" actions on Inventory Status page
CPU (In)
Cost Per Unit (In)
Average cost per unit of stock added within the specified date
Calculated based on cost price submitted when you add stock using the above actions
VAL (In)
Value (In)
Total cost of stock added
VAL (In) = QTY (In) x CPU (In)
QTY (Out)
Quantity (Out)
Number of stock dispensed
Stock adjustments that reduce stock such as "Write Off" are not included
VAL (Out)
Value (Out)
Value of stock dispensed
VAL (Out) = QTY (Out) x Default Cash Price set on Inventory Items page
QTY (Balance)
Quantity (Balance)
Number of stock remaining on the End Date
CPU (Balance)
Cost Per Unit (Balance)
Average cost per unit of your remaining stock
Calculated based on cost price submitted when you add stock
VAL (Balance)
Value (Balance)
Total cost of stock remaining
VAL (Balance) = QTY (Balance) x CPU (Balance)
Average Dispensed per TransactionAverage number of item dispensed each time it is dispensed
Cost PriceCost Price of item set on Inventory Items page

Please contact Klinify Support for more information