Klinify's Operations Summary report shows you the following information for the specified time period:
Laporan Operations Summary Klinify menunjukkan maklumat berikut berdasarkan tempoh waktu yang dipilih:

  • Total Revenue: How much you received. This includes:
    Total Revenue: Jumlah bayaran yang diterima. Ini melingkungi:
    • All cash, card, transfer payments
      Semua bayaran tunai, kad, dan bank transfer

    • Panel claims
      Tuntutan dari panel

  • Total Transaction Amount: How much you spent on your inventory.
    Total Transaction Amount: Jumlah yang digunakan untuk membeli stok inventori
    • This includes all stock adjustments that increase stock as long as the cost price is filled in
      Termasuk semua penambahan stok asalkan kosnya direkod

    • Write Off amounts are not included
      Jumlah "Write Off" dan transaksi mengurangkan stok tidak termasuk

  • Nett Summary = Total Revenue - Total Transaction Amount

To access the Operations Summary report, click on Reports > Operations Summary.
Untuk akses laporan Operations Summary, tekan Reports > Operations Summary.

  • Select the start & end date required on the right panel
    Pilih tarikh mula dan tamat di panel kanan