After generating your claim invoice, you can view them on the Claim Invoices page:
Setelah menjana tuntutan invois anda boleh melihatnya di halaman 'Claim Invoices':

  1. Go to Accounts > Claim Invoices
    Pergi ke Accounts > Claim Invoices
  2. Select the correct invoice month on the right panel
    Pilih bulan tuntutan yang berkenaan di ruangan disebelah kanan

  3. The generated claim invoices for that month will be shown in the middle section
    Invois tuntutan yang telah dijana bagi bulan tersebut akan dipaparkan di bahagian tengah halaman
    1. By ticking the box on the left of the invoices and clicking Actions, you can:
      Dengan menandakan kotak disebelah invois dan menekan butang Actions, anda boleh:
      1. Regenerate Claim Invoices: Include new update to the invoice for any updated bills
        Regenerate Claim Invoices: Memasukkan perubahan baru yang dilakukan pada mana-mana bil dari invois berkenaan.

      2. Print Selected: Print out the invoices or Save them in PDF format
        Print Selected: Mencetak invois atau menyimpan invois berkenaan ke dalam format PDF 

      3. Exported Selected: Save the invoices in Excel format
        Exported Selected: Menyimpan invois berkenaan ke dalam format Excel

      4. Void Selected: Cancel the invoices. The claim invoices will return to the Unclaimed Bills page
        Void Selected: Membatalkan invois berkenaan. Invois tuntutan akan dikembalikan ke halaman 'Unclaimed Bills' 

        If new bills were added under that panel in the same invoice month after you generated the invoice,
        Void the generated claim invoice & Generate it again to include that bill under the same invoice.

        To change the Invoice Number, Void & Generate the claim invoice too.

        Jika terdapat bil baru bagi panel yang invoisnya telah dijana,
        Batalkan kan invois tersebut & janakan semula supaya bil baru tadi akan disatukan dalam invois panel tersebut

        Bagi mengubah nombor invois, batalkan dan jana semula invois tersebut.

  4. You can also click on any entry to view the patient bills in the claim invoice.
    Anda boleh memilih mana-mana rekod bagi melihat bil pesakit didalam tuntutan invois berkenaan.

    Clicking the Actions button allows you to do the same things as above to this specific invoice.

    Anda boleh menekan butang Actions bagi memilih tindakkan seterusnya seperti yang telah dimaklumkan diatas.