It is crucial for healthcare providers to know a patient's allergies. This is why the Patient Page in Klinify has a handy "Allergies" bar that follows you as you scroll down the page.

Alahan ubat pesakit adalah maklumat penting bagi doktor, jururawat, dan ahli farmasi. Oleh sebab itu, Patient Page Klinify mempunyai bar alahan yang mengikuti anda semasa anda tatal ke bawah halaman tersebut.

To add a new allergy to a patient:
Untuk rekod alahan baru pesakit:

  1. Go to the patient's Patient Page
    Pergi ke Patient Page pesakit tersebut

  2. Scroll down to the Allergies section and click "Add"
    Tatal bawah ke bahagian Allergies dan klik butang Add
  3. A window will appear, allowing you to fill in the details of the allergy
    Masukkan butiran alahan tersebut
    1. Name: This name will appear on the fixed "Allergies" bar (E.g. Penicillin)
      Name: Nama ini akan muncul pada bar alahan tersebut

    2. Reaction: What type of reaction the allergy produces (E.g. rashes, SOB, hives, SJS)
      Reaction: Tindak balas pesakit kepada ubat/benda tersebut

    3. Onset Date: The first time the patient experienced the allergy
      Onset Date: Tarikh pesakit mengalami alahan tersebut buat pertama kali

    4. Last Occurrence Date: The last time the patient experienced the allergy
      Last Occurrence Date: Tarikh terkini pesakit mengalami alahan tersebut

    5. Status
      1. Active: The patient is exposed to it now and still has an on-going reaction from that exposure
        Active: Pesakit baru terdedah pada ubat/benda tersebut dan masih mengalami tindak balas alahan dari pendedahan itu

      2. Inactive: The patient has not been exposed to it for a long time and has no on-going reaction
        Inactive: Pesakit tidak terdedah kepada ubat/benda tersebut dalam tempoh masa yang panjang dan kini tidak mengalami apa-apa tindak balas alahan

      3. Resolved: The patient was exposed to it recently but the reaction to the exposure has ended
        Resolved: Pesakit terdedah pada ubat/benda tersebut tetapi tindak balas alahan itu telah tamat

    6. Verification Status
      1. Unconfirmed: Patient & doctor unsure if the drug produced that reaction
        Unconfirmed: Pesakit dan doktor tidak pasti bahawa adakah ubat itu yang menimbulkan tindak balas tersebut
      2. Confirmed: Exposure to the drug definitely produced that allergic reaction in the patient
        Confirmed: Pendedahan kepada ubat tersebut mesti akan menyebabkan tindak balas alahan
      3. Refuted: The supposed allergic reaction is actually a known side-effect, OR the reaction was actually produced by another allergen
        Refuted: Tindak balas alahan sebenarnya kesan sampingan ubat, ATAU disebabkan ubat/benda lain
      4. Entered in Error: The allergy was wrongly input to the patient
        Entered in Error: Alahan silap direkod pada pesakit ini

    7. Flagged
      1. Yes: The allergy will appear on the "Allergies" bar. The bar itself will become red
        Yes: Nama alahan itu akan muncul pada bar alahan. Bar tersebut akan menjadi merah
      2. No: The allergy will not appear on the "Allergies" bar.
        No: Nama alahan itu tidak akan muncul pada bar alahan
    8. Criticality: How severe/life-threatening the allergic reaction is
      Criticality: Betapa parah alahan tersebut

    9. Allergy Type: Is it a true allergy or an intolerance to that substance?
      Allergy Type: Adakah pesakit alah kepada benda tersebut atau "intolerant" (Contoh: Lactose intolerance)

    10. Category: The allergen type
      Category: Jenis alergan

  4. When you are done, click Save

To Edit or Delete the Allergy entry:
Untuk Edit atau Delete alahan:

  1. Click on Edit on the right of the allergy
    Klik Edit pada kanan alahan tersebut di bahagian Allergies
  2. Edit the details as required
    Ubah butiran alahan tersebut
  3. To delete, after clicking Edit, scroll down to the bottom of the window and click Delete
    Untuk padamkan alahan tersebut, selepas tekan Edit, tatal ke bawah dan tekan Delete.