When your Klinify server is first deployed, only the Blood Pressure vital is available. 

You can add new vitals options to use during patient consultation.

Asalnya, server Klinify anda hanya mempunyai tanda vital tekanan darah (Blood Pressure).

Anda boleh tambah tanda vital lain yang boleh digunakan semasa konsultasi

To add new vitals options:
Untuk tambah tanda vital:

  1. Go to Settings > Vitals (on the left menu)
    Pergi ke Settings > Vitals (di menu kiri)

  2. Click on the Add New Vital button on the top right corner
    Klik butang Add New Vital di sudut kanan atas

  3. This window will appear:

  4. Input the information as required
    Masukkan butiran di bawah
    1. Name: Name of the measurement. E.g. Temperature, Pulse Rate, SpO2
      Name: Nama rekod tersebut. Contoh: Suhu, nadi, SpO2

    2. Display Format: Set the format that the measurement appears using {v} and {u}
      Display Format: Tetapkan format rekod tersebut menggunakan {v} dan {u}
      1. {v} = Value / Nilai
      2. {u} = Unit
        For most measurements, the display format would be {v} {u}

        Kebanyakkan rekod akan menggunakan format {v} {u}

    3. Unit: The unit of the measurement. E.g. °C, bpm, %
      If the measurement/vital as no unit, just press the spacebar once

      Jika rekod tersebut tiada unit, tekan space sekali

    4. Datatype: What type of data the measurement is in
      Dataype: Jenis nilai yang rekod ini menggunakan
      1. Text: Measurement is in text form. E.g. "Normal", "Abnormal", "Present", "Absent", "20/3/2020"
        Text: Rekod dalam bentuk huruf/bukan angka.

      2. Decimal: Measurement contains decimal places. E.g. 37.2°C, 55.2 kg
        Decimal: Rekod angka dengan perpuluhan

      3. Whole Number: Measurement contains whole number/integers only. E.g. 60 bpm
        Whole Number: Rekod angka dengan nombor bulat sahaja

  5. Click Add New Vital

If you require assistance, please contact our support team via the chatbox.
Jika anda memerlukan bantuan, sila hubungi pasukan sokongan kami melalui chatbox.