You can edit issued MCs, provided you are using the default Klinify MC templatewith the following steps:
Anda boleh mengubah MC yang telah dikeluarkan sekiranya MC tersebut dibuat dengan templat asal Klinify:

  1. Search for the patient & access the Patient Page
    Cari pesakit dan memasuki Patient Page pesakit tersebut

  2. Go to Patient Billing History
    Pergi ke Patient Billing History

  3. Select the MC that you want to edit
    Pilih MC yang perlu diubah
  4. Click on Edit button for the MC at the Issued Items section. Edit the MC accordingly and save.
    Tekan Edit untuk MC tersebut di bahagian Issued Items. Ubah MC dan Save.   

To edit issued MCs that are not the default Klinify MC template, follow steps 1 - 3 as above, then:
Untuk mengubah MC yang tidak menggunakan templat asal MC Klinify, ikut langkah 1 - 3 di atas, lalu:

  1. Instead of clicking edit, click Delete
    Tekan Delete pada MC tersebut di bahagian Issued Items

  2. Click Actions > Add MC
    Klik butang Actions > Add MC

  3. Input the MC details as required > Save Medical Certificate
    Masukkan butiran MC > Save Medical Certificate

The MC serial number will remain the same.
Nombor siri MC lama akan dikekalkan.